Shop and Support

Support NM while shopping online

We’ve partnered with online retailers that allow you to support Newham Music at no extra cost!

For every purchase you make using AmazonSmile, 0.5% of what you spend will be donated to us – and it won’t cost you a thing!

All you need to do is sign up for AmazonSmile and select us as your chosen charity. You’ll still be able to enjoy the same range of products, prices and offers as you do on your regular Amazon account. Just look out for products marked as AmazonSmile eligible. The donation amount will have no effect on the price that you pay.

Savoo is a search engine and an online voucher provider.

Simply select Newham Music as your charity and use Savoo Search the same way as you would your current search engine. Savoo will donate 1p to Newham Music for every search you make. If you’re looking to do some online shopping and want to get a great deal, Savoo also has thousands of voucher codes to shop with – which make us money each time you use them as well!


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Jack Petchey FoundationNational Foundation For Youth MusicArts Council England
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